Mount Saint Joseph
Carmelite Monastery
Christmas - New Years Mass Schedule
December 24th: 7:00AM Daily Mass
7:30PM Caroling
8:00PM Christmas Vigil Mass
December 25th: 9:30AM Christmas Mass
December 26th - 28th: 8:00AM Daily Mass
December 29th - 31st: 7:00AM Daily Mass
December 31st: 11:00PM Vigil Mass - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
January 1st: 9:30AM Mass
Confessions by Appointment
Grounds and Chapel open daily from 6AM to 6PM
Vigil For Carmelite Vocations
December 31st
Dear Friends of Mount St. Joseph Carmelite Monastery
Fr. Matthias of the Immaculate Heart, OCD here inviting you all to this year's "Vigil for Carmelite Vocations" to be held on Dec. 31, 2022. This will be in union with the Nuns, Sisters, OCDS, and friends throughout the OCD, Carmels of the western U.S. (& Uganda!).
Please visit the website below for information & a brief registration. This year, in addition to the option of praying at home or in community from afar, there will be a live-stream option and the opportunity for those in closer proximity to join us at Mount St. Joseph Carmelite Monastery, San Jose, for the Friars' vigil.
TO PARTICIPATE: Visit the following website for registration & more information:
Date: 12/31/22 (Saturday)
Time: 8:15PM - 11:55PM PST
8:15PM Exposition / Silent Adoration
10:00PM Holy Rosary / Chaplet of Divine Mercy
11:00PM Vigil Mass - Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God
Let's support each other, together calling upon the Master of the Harvest, with the precious and powerful gift of prayer & sacrifice! Please spread the word!
in Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Matthias of the Immaculate Heart, O.C.D.
Vocation Director
Carmelus Totus Marianus Est
"Mental prayer in my opinion is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us."
Sayings of Carmelite Saints
- Saint Teresa of Jesus
We Carmelite Friars, followers of Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross, live as brothers in community. With Mary as our patroness, we serve Christ and His Church through ministries of prayer, presence, evangelization and pastoral care.